Monday, December 1, 2008

Traveling On Holidays:Thanksgiving Tale

We have not in the past traveled much on Holiday. In fact, we have never been on the road after a Holiday...At least not that I can remember.

For this reason, we did not realize that everyone and their brother, mother, sister, dog, cat and iguana was on the road trying to get home from Grandma's house. Goodness gracious! We left around noon on Sunday for an 8 hour trip. With the time change, that would have put us home by 8:00 with all our stops. Well...................

We had Snow, Ice, Rain, Thunder Storms, and TRAFFIC! Oh my did we have TRAFFIC!!

After all was said and took us 12 hours to get home...But-with God's protection we got home safe and sound.
Praise God!

I assume there are some other travel tips I should learn from this experience...I will am not really sure what they are. Below are some links that have some travel tips....

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