My tackle for today was going to be something that required the much taken for
granted physical effort. But guess what...I broke my one of my ribs yesterday. It isn't really bad, just annoying because I need to restrict physical activity. So since my mind doesn't usually go to sharing with you the less physical things...today it was
necessary and I am really glad because I am excited to share with you this.
I had decided at the first of the year to really commit the Holy Word of God, "The Bible", to my heart...The only way you can do this is to read it
consistently. Getting a schedule is a beginning. Making a time that you read God's Holy Word. I decided that I would start with the Proverbs...I will read one chapter each day of the month. This is very attainable and after this I plan to do this every month...Next month after I have made this a
consistent habit...I plan to add another book in the Bible and read out of each book daily...I will probably start with John or James.
I had been reading my Bible several time a week but it was not a scheduled time in my day...This is what I am working toward...My Bible reading often times got pushed aside.
I am a visual learner and I learn best when something is delivered by visual and audio...so I
found this tool that is going to help me so much with this goal I have set for my self.

I found this site that has audio bible reading, along with the words (in large print on my computer screen). I set it on the King James Version....and off I go.
This is a great help in my study of the Bible. I hope you will find it helpful to your study of Gods Word. Bookmark this site!
To see more "Tackles" Visit
5 Minutes for Mom and see a long list of them!