Staples is the place to be this next week if you're looking for school supplies. You can see a preview of the ad for July 12-18, 2009
here. Here are some of the highlights:
::Use the $5/$20 coupon on the front of the ad to further sweeten your deals or turn them into money-makers! For those of you who didn't get a $5/$20 coupon in your ad (or who were planning to make a second trip to Staples this week), you can
print a $5/$20 coupon here.
::Bic Fashion Pens are $1. Use
the $1/1 coupon here to get them free.
::8-packs of pencils are $0.01--no coupon needed. (Valid July 12-15, 2009 only. Limit 2)
::Bic White Out is $1. Use the
$0.50/1 coupon here to get it for $0.50.
::Staples Photo Plus 4 x 6 paper is on sale for $9.99 and you'll get a rebate printed with your receipt which you can mail in for an $8.99 rebate making this $1 after the rebate (Limit 2).
::8 1/2 x 11 Copy Paper is on sale for $3.69 and you'll get a rebate printed with your receipt which you can mail in for an $3.998 rebate making this $0.01 after the rebate (Limit 2).
Money-Making Scenario IdeasScenario Idea #1:
Buy 2 packages of Photo Plus Paper at $9.99 each
Buy 2 8-packs of pencils $0.01 each
Use the $5/20 coupon on the front of the ad
Spend $15 plus tax out of pocket
Get $17.98 back in rebates
Free plus overage after coupon and rebate
Scenario Idea #2:Buy 1 package of Photo Plus Paper at $9.99
Buy 2 packages of Copy Paper at $3.69 each
Buy 2 packages of Bic Fashion Pens at $1 each
Buy 1 Bic White Out at $1
Use the $5/20 coupon on the front of the ad
Use 2 $1/1 Bic pen coupons
hereUse $0.50/1 Bic White Out coupon
hereSpend $11.87 plus tax out of pocket
Get $16.35 back in rebates
Free plus overage after coupon and rebate
Thanks to
moneysavingmom.com for posting these for us!