Here's the list of the coupons in this Book. Because there are so many, in some cases I won't list every single one.
$.55 off 1 3lb bag Cuties Clementines
This book, in my opinion is a good deal.
To Order: Click below

There's a brand-new book full of coupons out called The Everyday Coupon Book. It's similar to the Entertainment Book only it has hundreds of grocery and household product coupons in it--over $500 worth of coupons, in fact. The coupons are good through August 2010 so you should have plenty of time to wait and match them with a sale.
Want to order...just click the link above or at the end of post.
CVS knows that I need help being green! They are starting a new program to help us all remember to use reuseable bags.
Head on over to your CVS and look for the card above and buy a “Bag Tag” for .99 cents.
Take this and put it on your favorite reusable bag and every time you check out scan your extracare card and your bag tag. After you scan your bag tag 4 times you will get $1 ECB!! Every forth trip, you will make $1!!
You can only get one credit per day, so those doing multiple transactions in the same day only get it counted once.
This could make a great filler item, so don’t plan to actually spend US currency to get it, but use CVS currency.
There's a brand-new coupon here for a free $25 gift card when you transfer a prescription to Rite Aid. If you have two prescriptions, you can get two gift cards.
Thanks, moneysavingmom
Happy Baby is offering a coupon for a free package of any of their Happy Baby Organic products. Go here to print yours.
Click here to find who carries these products near you.
Expires November 10, 2009 :limited to one per customer.
These go FAST so in you want one Print it NOW!
Thanks, The Freebie Blogger!
Traditional Coupons
Printable Coupons